Harmony 101

Learn all about the mechanics of music. This course covers chord theory, harmony, scales, modes and other things about music mathematics.
Duration: 1 month course fee:
DAYS: Tuesdays (each week)
total classes: 04
software: LOGIC PRO x
Requirements: none
Rhythm & Beats
- Introduction to Music Theory
- Introduction to Tempo
- Bars | Beat Divisions
- Time Signatures ( 4/4,¾ & ⅞ )
Introduction to Scales
- Major/Minor Scales
- Chromatic Scale
Introduction to Chords
- Modes of Intervals
- Types of Triads/Chords; Major/Minor/Diminished/7th/9th
- Bass & Melody
- Harmonizing in thirds
Advanced Techniques
- Voicings
- Transposing
- Inversions
- Augmented/Suspended/Dominant 7th Chords